
Call For Contributions: Conference on Complex Systems 2025

Welcome to the 21st Conference on Complex Systems, CCS 2025! The CCS is the flagship annual meeting for the complex systems research community, operating within the framework of the Complex Systems Society. This special 21st anniversary conference is organized within the University of Siena (Siena, Italy), in the magnificent Unesco Heritage City of Siena.

Call For Contributions: Conference on Complex Systems 2025

We welcome contributions from a wide range of areas within complex systems. Each submission received by the Microsoft CMT submission system will be assessed by members of the Program Committee with expertise in the research area. Acceptance will be notified to the corresponding author through CMT.

Important Dates

  1. Submission Deadline for Abstracts: 20/03/2025
  2. Notification of Acceptance: 30/04/2025

How to Submit

Upload requirements. Please prepare a PDF document of 2 pages maximum. In the first page, you must include title, authors and their affiliations, and full abstract of your talk. The second page can only include one figure with caption, and references.

If you are using LaTeX, please download the template linked here. If you are using another editor like Word, please convert to PDF before submission.

Please indicate your preference for contributed talk, lightning talk or poster. Note that this preference may not be guaranteed.

Ensure uploads are not password protected and are no larger than 5MB in size.

Instruction for Authors

Accepted abstracts must be presented by one registered author. This presentation must be in-person.

If no author is registered before the deadline, the contribution will be withdrawn from the programme.

An author cannot present more than one accepted talk, see guidelines in the registration page to ask for more than one presentation.

Before Submission

To make the submission process smooth for you, please have the following ready when making the upload to the submission portal, presenting author full name, affiliation, email and contact number (where you can be reached during the conference).

Coauthor full names, affiliations and email addresses. PDF of the abstract.

To facilitate the assignment of reviewers to your abstract and include it in the suitable session at CCS 2025, please choose appropriately the closest topics during the submission phase. The Main Topics will be available once logged to the CMT submission portal.

Once an initial submission is made, it can be edited any time before the submission deadline.

For more information email or equivalently click the link below.

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