Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute: Call for Fellows, Storytellers, and Alumns
Interested in intelligence, mind, and cognition in all its forms? Early-career scholars from any discipline—and storytellers in any medium—are encouraged to apply!
What is DISI?
Our world is full of intelligences—diverse manifestations of mind and cognition, of agency and awareness. How do these radically different forms come about? What core properties do they share? What can we learn from minds that are nothing like our own? How can we better understand intelligences by modeling, building, and programming them?
Answering these questions will not be easy. It will require breaking down the boundaries that divide traditional academic disciplines; it will require forging new frameworks and imagining radically new approaches. With generous funding from our sponsor, the Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute is building a new community: a vibrant network of early-career scholars who are devoted to bold, transdisciplinary inquiry into the origins, nature, and future of intelligences.
Breakthroughs in our understanding of diverse intelligences will also require new stories. The community we are building also includes storytellers who can provoke, challenge, and startle us—who urge us to consider intelligences of radically different character and to contemplate what these intelligences mean for humanity.
The Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute (DISI) brings this nascent community together for a few intense weeks each summer. Admitted fellows and storytellers engage with our world-class faculty in a rigorous program of lectures, seminars, projects, meals, salons, and more. Beyond the residential program, DISI alums enjoy access to programming and opportunities throughout the year, as well as lifelong membership in a one-of-a-kind research network.
Join Us
The Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute is looking for creative, collegial, broad-minded thinkers from all backgrounds to participate in our fellow and storytellers programs. We are committed to creating a community of scholars that both values and reflects diversity in all its forms.
- The DISI Fellows Program: We seek scholars in fields including (but not limited to) biology, anthropology, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science, philosophy, and sociology who are interested in pursuing interdisciplinary, collaborative research on diverse intelligences, broadly construed.
- The DISI Storytellers Program: We seek storytellers in mediums including (but not limited to) visual arts, writing, theater, dance, music, and podcasting who are interested in pursuing creative work related to diverse intelligences, broadly construed.
DISI 2025 will take place July 6-27 in St Andrews, Scotland.
Review of applications for DISI 2025 will begin on Saturday, March 1, and will continue until all spots are filled.
Application and more information: https://disi.org/apply/