20th Course of the School of Complexity - Higher-order interactions: mechanisms, behaviors, and networks
The 20th Course of the School of Complexity (Organized by Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture) will be held at Erice, Sicily, Italy - August 25th-31st 2025.
Higher-order interactions—those involving more than two elements—are fundamental to the complexity observed in biological, social, and technological systems. Traditional network models have primarily focused on pairwise interactions, connecting nodes through simple links. However, many real-world phenomena, such as group dynamics in social interactions or multifaceted biochemical reactions, cannot be adequately described by dyadic relationships alone. Understanding both the mechanisms (how the system’s components are structured and interact) and the behaviors (the emergent properties and dynamics resulting from these interactions) is essential for a comprehensive analysis of complex systems. Integrating frameworks that model higher-order structures, like hypergraphs and simplicial complexes, with tools that analyze higher-order behaviors, such as information-theoretic methods, provides a more complete picture of these intricate systems.
In this course we aim to offer a cohesive overview of higher-order mechanisms and behaviors.
Located in the historic city of Erice, the Centre comprises 136 Schools that cover all branches of science. It is housed in four restored monasteries, one of which was the residence of the Viceroy of Sicily during the 14th and 15th centuries. These ancient buildings provide an inspiring setting for intellectual pursuits. The monasteries have been renamed after prominent scientists and strong supporters of the Ettore Majorana Centre:
- San Francesco Monastery (the former Viceroy’s residence) is now the Eugene P. Wigner Institute and includes the Enrico Fermi Lecture Hall.
- San Domenico Monastery is now the Patrick M.S. Blackett Institute, featuring the Paul A.M. Dirac Lecture Hall and housing the Daniel Chalonge and Paul A.M. Dirac Museums.
- San Rocco Monastery is now the Isidor I. Rabi Institute, home to the Richard P. Feynman Lecture Hall, the Directorate, the main Secretariat of the Centre, and the Polo Sismico—the world’s first Network of Seismological Detectors, established in 1981.
- The Ciclope is now the Victor F. Weisskopf Institute, featuring the Richard H. Dalitz Lecture Hall.
All four institutes offer accommodations for attendees of the Centre’s courses.
The easiest way to reach Erice from abroad is by plane. Two international airports serve Erice, the airport of Palermo (the most important one) and the airport of Trapani.
The Centre organizes free shuttles to and from both airports.
To participate in the International Course of the School, PhD students and post-docs are invited to send their CV + a recommendation letter to ho2025erice@gmail.com
A limited number of oral contributions and poster presentations will be accepted.
Upon acceptance, participants are requested to pay a fee that covers:
- Meals and Accommodation: All meals and lodging are included throughout the duration of the program.
- Airport Transfers: Shuttle services from Palermo and Trapani airports will be organized.
- Exclusive Access: Enjoy free access to the renowned “Marsala and Sweets Room.”
A limited number of participants may be eligible for a reduced fee upon a motivated request. It is also possible to attend the course online by paying a minimal fee.
Information about the fee will be communicated upon request writing at the above email address.
Applications should be sent before May 10, 2025.
Requests for a reduced fee should be sent as soon as possible and no later than April 15, 2025.
The acceptance will be communicated before June 10, 2025.
Details and more info: https://sites.google.com/view/ho2025erice/home?authuser=0