
Postdoc position at Genzel Lab

We have an open post-doc position in the Genzel lab funded by an ERC Consolidator grant. It is 3 years full-time (adaptable if necessary) and we are looking for someone with expertise in molecular methods.

Postdoc position at Genzel Lab

About Us

For us to function as humans our memories are crucial, but we do not want to remember everything in every little detail but instead we need to extract key information enabling us to deal with future events. This processing of memories – highlighting important events, extracting overlapping, salient information and deleting unnecessary data – is probably one of the main reasons why we need to sleep.

The Genzel lab is interested in investigating how sleep influences memory processing in whole brain networks and which factors such as previous knowledge (schemas), novelty, plasticity and disease can influence this processing. To achieve this aim we combine different approaches and investigate mice, rats and humans. In rodents we apply a variety of molecular, electrophysiology, and behavioral approaches such as pharmacology, tetrode drives (units, lfp), immediate early gene analysis and viral methods. In humans, we combine functional magnetic resonanz imaging with classic polysomnography in the sleep lab. We use these methods to understand physiological sleep and memory mechanisms in healthy controls as well as investigate effects of disease with animal models and human patients suffering from e.g. depression and schizophrenia.

Additionally, the Genzel lab aims to develop new behavioural tasks to investigate more complex, semantic memories in rodents (Object Space Task, HexMaze) and promotes better handling methods (no tail-pick ups, see Animal Handling).


Specifically we aim to elucidate how the cortex acquires semantic memories in multi-trial learning paradigms such as our Object Space Task and the HexMaze. Start is flexible (ASAP but later start is also possible) and you would join a multi-disciplinary team tackling complex behavior with state-of-the-art methods in a cross-species approach.


We have an open researcher position in the Genzel lab funded by an ERC Consolidator grant for a candidate with a completed PhD. It is 3 years full-time (adaptable if necessary) and we are looking for someone with expertise in molecular methods (e.g. completed a PhD including techniques as immunohistochemistry, viral approaches such as DREADD and optogenetics, engram tagging techniques) to join our big, team-science projects.


For further information contact Lisa Genzel

Applications are welcome anytime (open running application), we will close the call 31st of January 2025. Please send a CV (max 4 pages with publications) and a motivation letter (max 2 pages).

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